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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Processes are used by the application to handle automated tasks. Entries in this menu are created automatically during installation.

You can change the properties of a process, however it is important to note that some processes are critical for LinkSOFT to operate correctly. Please contact Link Technologies support if you wish to make any amendments.

Use this form to maintain processes. The following functions are available:

  1. Edit or Disable the process
  2. Review the list of processes:


  1. Ensure "Process Setup - SQL Scheduler" is enabled and running.

Maintaining Process

  1. Edit the record
    1. Process Code - Used to identify the process.
    2. Description
    3. Process Group - The SQL Agent Job is created by this name in format "Link Technologies - {Database Name} - {Job Owner} - {Process Group}".
      1. Use the "Process Duration" to determine which processes should be placed a separate "process group".
      2. For example, system process "SYS001" should have its own process group as it performs all system background tasks.
      3. To create a process group, add a description in the process group column, example "System" or "Inventory Valuation" or "Health Check"
    4. Document Template
    5. To Email Address
    6. Copy Email Address
    7. Blind Copy Email Address
    8. Frequency - Frequency at which the process is scheduled to run. Note if the Frequency is disabled, then the process will not run.
    9. Next Run Date - Increments by the frequency specified on the next run.
    10. Active - Enables the process.
      1. Creates a SQL Agent Job.
      2. Process execution counter is logged in Process Setup
  2. Delete the record. The delete function does the following:
    1. Disable the process by making it inactive.
    2. Deletes the SQL Agent Job when the "process group" is disabled in all companies.

Failed Processes

  1. When a process fails, error messages are logged in the Event Log.
  2. An email is sent to the addresses configured in "Process - SYS005".
  3. The Next Run Date is incremented by 10 minutes. This allows the failed process to retry after 10 minutes.